To texture the surface, I used white glue and Woodland Scenics railroad ballast and earthblend turf.

I put together a magnetic stand that I used while painting the bases and putting on the ground cover. It's simply a small wooden spool I got from Michaels, with two holes drilled in it and two magnets glued in the holes. It holds the figures firmly while I'm working, and I can move the figure around however I need without worrying about getting my fingers into the areas I'm working.

First, I paint the base with undiluted white glue. I do my best to not get any on the figure (I think I failed in this photo); if I do, I clean it up with a clean wet brush.

Next, using the scoop end of a sculpting tool I pick up some of the ballast and sprinkle it onto the base.

I'm not going for thick coverage, just a scattering of rocks on the base.

Once the rocks are in place, I drag the base through the turf flock.

Then I turn it sideways and firmly tap on the bottom of the base a few times to knock all the loose flock off, and I'm done.

The process goes pretty quickly, maybe a minute or two per base.
These look great!! So when is our first game with them?
I need to get some opposition for them finished. Then a scenario, terrain, some special rules, more terrain...
Probably June 27, 2050. :p
Excellent tutorial! Exactly what I've been looking for. I'll have a go at it this weekend. Great stuff!
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